See the 7 facial shapes of the stars

Improve your facial shape at Vive Medical Spa of Tijuana. The best place on the US-Mex border for medical treatments for beauty. Meet the board-certified doctors, who specialized in non-invasive esthetic procedures.

Do you know which are the seven main facial shapes? See the movie stars that have each one, and learn about how you can improve yours.

You will be surprised to recognize yours and see how you can change your facial shapes at Vive Medical Spa in Tijuana.

Let’s see the main types of facial shapes and what you can do to modify them for the better.

Facial shapes of the stars

1.- Kristen Stewart: Oval

This shape of the face is probably the most prevalent in the world.
The face is like an elongated circle with no protruding features.
It’s harmonious and represents the universal model of beauty.
The actress Kristen Stewart is an example of this kind of face.
Her face represents the typical next-door girl, with no exotic or unusual features.
Improvements: You may need to highlight the cheeks or the chin, or highlight the lips.

2.- Natalie Portman: Square

You may have a square face if you have the same width as height, but the corners formed by jaws or the edges of the forehead are prominent.
For men, it offers a gesture of strength. For women, it is an energetical look.
The actress Natalie Portman is an example of this kind of face, and it gives her a strong personality.
Improvements: If you have this type of face contour and don’t feel comfortable, it is possible to modify a square face by lengthening the chin or suiting the curve of the jaws.

3.- Mila Kunis: Round

This type of face has the same length and width dimensions. It is harmonious, although without any protruding features.
The actress Mila Kunis has a round face that makes her beautiful and attractive, with harmonic and regular proportions in her face contour.
Improvements: The use of non-surgical techniques to improve the shape of the nose or cheekbones is a factor that favors this type of face.

4.- Kate Moss: Triangle

Your face is triangle-shaped if you have a pronounced and wide jaw, while your forehead is narrow.
The top model Kate Moss is an example of this kind of face contour that makes her enigmatic and beautiful at the same time.
What the face with a tringle shape reveals about the personality is someone who builds is own path in life.
Improvements: It’s possible to make the jaw thinner and to give roundness the chin, to promote greater harmony of the face.

5.- Scarlet Johansson: Heart or Inverted Triangle

The heart contour or inverted triangle is one of the most beautiful face contours. The forehead is broad while the jaw is elongated and finished in a sharped chin.
The actress Scarlet Johansson has a heart-shaped face that makes her look sexy, sweet, and attractive.
Improvements: You can make the chin more rounded and create a soft jaw. Besides, you can make your lips more voluminous to get a harmonic result.

6.- Taylor Swift: Diamond

A diamond face is a jewel and probably the most beautiful face.
If you’re a diamond, your cheekbones are prominent, with a narrow forehead and sharp chin.
In this kind of face, the cheekbones are the widest point of the face, and the chin is often pointy.
The people who have diamond-shaped faces are popular, friendly, and adored by both men and women.
The singer Taylor Swift is an example of this type of face. Her cheekbones are prominent while her chin is sharp, and her narrow forehead. A real diamond!
Enhancements: Sometimes, the chin anmd the jaw requires softening while thick lips contribute to a more harmonious face.

7.- Keira Knightley: Rectangular

You have a rectangular-shaped face when your forehead and jaw are square.
This kind of face is long as oval but with angular edges with a high forehead. That makes the eyes to be exactly in the center of the face, generating a harmonic and well-balanced face contour.
The actress Keira Knightley has this type of face that makes her look great, beautiful, and intelligent.
Improvements: The nose is a factor to enhance this type of face, while the contour of the mouth favors a better appearance.
Besides, you may need to soften the jawline and enhance the chin, for a better result.

How do they improve the facial shapes?

There are several methods to improve facial contour, using injectable natural fillers, laser treatment, fat extraction, or non-surgical lipo, among others.

The use of fillers, applied by qualified medical personnel in cosmetic procedures, can generate dramatic changes in your face.

You may be surprised to see what spectacular results you can get without surgery.

Remember that you can solve any esthetic problem with or without surgery. For surgery, consult Vive Plastic Surgery in Tijuana.


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22010 Tijuana, B.C.

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