Hooked Nose
Hooked Nose Overview, Causes, Treatment
Some people also investigate various cosmetic nose surgeries for medical reasons such as deformed or oddly-shaped noses that impair breathing, or exacerbating allergies, asthma, sleep disorders, or other medical conditions.

Hooked Nose
Hooked noses are found among people from almost all corners of the world but it is more associated with certain ethnic groups from the Middle East, North Africa, Southern Europe and the South of Asia.
Hooked nose, also known as Aquiline or Jewish nose, is where the nasal-bridge is very prominent, giving it the outlook of being slightly bent or curved. The word “aquiline” originates from the Latin word “aquilinus” and it means “eagle-like”.
How We Treat Hooked Nose
Nobody wants a nose that resembles an eagle’s beak or a hook. The usage of safe dermal fillers in non-surgical rhinoplasty can help to reshape noses and smoothing out bumps and depressions. In the hands of Dr, Sergio Verduzco, Belotero fillers can shape your ideal nose, improve your facial appearance as well as boosting your confidence overnight.
Belotero will be injected into the depressions, just above and below the large nasal bump, to camouflage it making the profile of your nose straighter.