Lip Augmentation
Lip augmentation is undoubtedly the fashionable treatment in this decade. It is the procedure of the artists. This cosmetic treatment is part of the practice of any plastic surgeon, since there is no woman who has never thought of seeing a more sensual or at least more attractive mouth. However, what not many know is that lip augmentation has a long history.
For several decades, the lips were the target of all injectable fillers that have existed, from biopolymers to biological ones like plasma gel, everything has been used. However, at present, the boom of Hyaluronic Acid and Juvederm have managed to conquer all markets and above all offer total safety and reliability. It is a temporary filling, moisturizing, natural, dissolvable and reversible if desired, offering absolutely what every patient wants. In short, it is a totally safe product.
The Juvederm Ultra Plus XC is a treatment that consists of molecules of Hyaluronic Acid in gel form that is distributed in a harmonic way inside the skin, adding a high affinity with water. The gel moisturizes and gives volume to the lips, obtaining an irresistible result. Definitely a prime product that you should try.

Why Consider Lip Augmentation?
Most people who seek lip augmentation want to correct the thin lips inherited or recover the feeling of full lips that is lost with aging. Along with the aging process, many women are plagued by vertical lines, called smoker lines, that intensify the perception of age. These lines are formed for many reasons other than smoking. By using straws, talking or puckering lips, although genetics plays an important role in the formation of wrinkles in the mouth.
Lip augmentation is not just about adding volume to thin lips or smoothing wrinkles. There are other problems that diminish facial beauty and balance that can be corrected, such as a rubbery smile, lips that are too big and lips that lack definition.
The Two Most Effective Methods To Achieve Sensual Lips
In Tijuana, lip augmentation is done in two ways; using one or more dermal fillers sometimes in combination with Botox® or by surgical procedures. Dermal fillers are by far the most common form of augmentation, since these procedures can be performed in less than an hour and patients can resume their normal activities immediately. Surgical procedures require a longer recovery commitment, usually from a week to 10 days, but these procedures can correct more complex problems, such as thick lips reduction, flat lip remodeling and correction of a gummy smile (that that exposes the upper gums). The main benefit is that surgical methods do not need periodic retouching as in dermal fillers.
Non-Surgical Lip Augmentation In Tijuana
The most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed in Mexico are those that use dermal fillers. These products can return volume to the hands, face and feet, while some are approved for the delicate area of the lips. Most of today’s fillings contain Hyaluronic Acid, which is a natural substance that can increase volume by stimulating the production of collagen.
Of the many dermal fillers available, only two are approved by COFEPRIS for use on the lips. These are Restylane Silk with Lidocaine (a local anesthetic) and Restylane-L Gel also with Lidocaine.
The fillers specifically approved for the lips are Restylane®Silk and Juvederm Ultra XC. The results obtained by the majority of the fillings will last from 3 to 6 months, although it is reported that Juvederm Ultra XC is effective up to one year after the initial treatment.
Restylane Silk is not only effective for adding volume to the lips, but it is thin enough to be injected carefully into the area just above the lips to soften the vertical lines known as smoker lines.
While the other fillings on the market have not been approved specifically for lip augmentation, that does not mean they are forbidden. Often, a combination of fillers can be used to improve the results achieved by Restylane.