Post-Surgical Massage
Post-Surgical Massage - Lymphatic Drainage
The benefits of massage therapy are relaxing muscles that have tensed due to the trauma of surgery and the placement of collagen substructures that cause scarring around the incision and surrounding tissues. There is always great swelling, reduced flexibility and stiffness after surgery. It is vital that the site of the incision and joints be massaged after seven days of healing. The pressure and intensity of the message will help reduce swelling, redness and pain.
We must emphasize in our postoperative patients the importance of reducing trauma and postoperative pain and help improve the mobility and flexibility of tissues and joints through the use of a regular therapeutic massage.
Our most frequent question: Do I really need these lymphatic drainage massages after a surgical procedure? Our answer is YES !!! The results of your surgery will not be satisfactory unless these massages are performed.
Lymphatic Drainage
It is extremely important that each individual is aware of the importance of lymphatic drainage massages to obtain the desired results of the surgery to which they have been subjected. These massages are those that are required after a liposculpture, tummy tuck, reduction / breast augmentation and liposuction in any other part of the body. The purpose of these lymphatic drainage massages is to eliminate the fluid that tends to accumulate and harden forming a fibrosis.
What Is Fibrosis?
Fibrosis is the name given to those little balls and lumps that you feel forming under your skin about one to two weeks after a surgical procedure. These massages also allow a better circulation of the blood, reduce edema and work with the texture of the skin to guarantee a better healing process.
Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic procedure designed specifically to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Anyone who undergoes an aesthetic surgical procedure will experience high levels of inflammation as a side effect of the work done in that area. The process of lymphatic drainage allows your body to release the fluid accumulated under the skin and, in turn, the healing time is reduced and the pain decreases.
Who Can Perform Post-Surgical Massages?
Lymphatic drainage massages should only be performed by licensed and experienced massage therapists. We can assure you that our center is equipped with the appropriate technology necessary for these massages and with the right personnel so that you feel comfortable in your body again.